Firstly well you may already know, I'm a UI Designer who has been in the industry for many years, always up for new challenges, I love to keep up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques within the industry (more recent how AI will help us as designers).
I have been lucky to of had the chance to work within many industries from Sport, Dental, Healthcare sector, Property, High-end furniture, Reviews based businesses, local hairdressers to many more. This experience has given me vast knowledge of delivering for many forms of small to large organisation providing online solutions.
Outside of work
I'm a family man, married with 3 kids (2 sons and a daughter), spend my evenings and weekends either chilling at home or out creating some new memories, going on some new adventures or some social events.
At the weekend my sons play american football and football (so get to be involved in both, which is great as a massive sports fan), gaming frequently, and more recently my youngest started a YouTube channel (which is keeping me busy).